4D Volume

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Inheritance graph

Defined in file : brainvisa/types/builtin.py

Used in the following processes

Aims Converter
Anatomist Fusion 3D/mesh
Anatomist Show 3D Fusion
Anatomist Show Registration
Anatomist Show Volume
Apply direct or inverse Transformation
Apply Transformation
Baladin Normalization to AIMS converter
Bias correction from B1 map
CAT12 - Segment - generic
Check any registration
Color segmentation: feature based classification
compute Grey / White / CSF / Skull / Scalp Mask
Compute GTM PVC based methods
compute histogram analysis Generic
compute histogram analysis Generic
compute intensity normalization
compute intensity normalization
compute referentials
Compute Statistic on Volume ( label or mask )
Compute Statistic on Volume ( label or mask )
convert Dicoms to Nifti images
Create 4D volume from 3D volumes
Create an Average Volume from a 4D-Volume
Create average template
Create DISCO deformation field from subjectA to subjectB
Create DISCO+DARTEL deformation field from subjectA to subjectB
Create Surface-Based Functional Data (Projection of fMRI Data onto the Cortical Surface)
Create volume referential
CT to PET Transformation
custom label volume
DatScan resample SPECT natives
Dicom to Nifti Converter Using Aims
Dicom to Nifti Converter Using MRICRON
Draw bounding boxes
Extract & Import T1 MRI ROI
extract contours for CT and PET
extract raw transformation from headers
Extract snapshot
Extract snapshot for SPM TTest analysis
Fix normalized image referential
FreeSurfer from MGZ Converter
FreeSurfer to MGZ Converter
FSL Normalization to AIMS converter
FSL to AIMS transformation converter
Import Ecat PET Dynamic & T1MRI
Import Label Mask (in mni space) generic
Import PET mean
Import ROI Mask (in mni space)
Import SPM Explicit Mask (using in SPM analysis)
Import T1MRI (nifti) about PET subject
import t1mri templates
Import Vois
intersect ROI mask with grey/white mask Generic
intersect volume and matter mask
Manual registration
mean pets
Merge ROIs
Move volume between MNI - T1MRI - PET (spm12)
Move volume between MNI - T1MRI - PET (spm8)
MRI-PET registration
Multiple coregister
Nuclear Imaging quality check
Projection using Convolution Kernels
Quality control for Pet with MRI Pipeline
Quality control for Pet without MRI Pipeline
Quality control for SUVSUVR compute stat
rectify internal image transformation from reference
remove temporary file
Resample images into a Talairach-aligned grid
Resample to Template Space
Resampling to image space
Reset internal image transformation
Rigid registration with mutual information
ROI drawing
ROI quantification
Single file to volume series
Split ROI
SPM sn3d to AIMS transformation converter
SPM to AIMS transformation converter
spm12 - Coregister: Estimate & Reslice - generic
spm12 - Coregister: Estimate Only
spm12 - Coregister: Estimate Only - generic
spm12 - DARTEL - Normalise to mni - generic
spm12 - Deformations : apply deformation field- generic
spm12 - Estimation Model - generic
spm12 - Image calculator - generic
spm12 - Old normalise: Estimate & Write - generic
spm12 - Old normalise: Estimate only - generic
spm12 - One sample T-test - generic
spm12 - Paired T-test - generic
spm12 - Realign: Estimate & Reslice - generic
spm12 - Segment - generic
spm12 - serial longitudinal registration - generic
SPM12 - Slice Timing - generic
spm12 - Two sample T-test - generic
spm8 - Coregister: Estimate & Reslice - generic
spm8 - Coregister: Estimate Only - generic
spm8 - DARTEL - Normalise to mni - generic
spm8 - Deformations : apply deformation field- generic
spm8 - Estimation Model - generic
spm8 - High-Dimensional Warping - generic
spm8 - Image calculator - generic
spm8 - New Segment - generic
spm8 - Normalise: Estimate & Write - generic
spm8 - Normalise: Estimate only - generic
spm8 - One sample T-test - generic
spm8 - Paired T-test - generic
spm8 - Realign: Estimate & Reslice - generic
spm8 - Results report
spm8 - Two sample T-test - generic
spm8 - VBM Segmentation - generic
T1 mapping maps: build using VFA method
Transform fibre bundles between subjects
Transform graph between subjects
Transform mesh between subjects
Transform volume between subjects
Transform volume into the common space
uncompress GIS
view images in a titled grid
view quality check
Volume series to single file
Write Volume with MNI transformation in header

Associated formats

Aims bundles
Aims scalar features
Aperio svs
ASCII results
AVI film
BMP image
BrainVISA session event
BrainVISA volume formats
BrainVISA/Anatomist animation
Bundle Selection Rules
Bval File
Bvec File
bz2 Matlab file
Commissure coordinates
Config file
CSV file
Database Cache file
DEF Label Translation
DICOM image
ECAT i image
ECAT v image
EPS file
FDF image
Filter file
GIF image
GIFTI file
GIS image
Graph and data
Gyri Model
gz compressed ECAT i image
gz compressed ECAT v image
gz compressed GIFTI file
gz compressed GIS image
gz compressed MESH mesh
gz compressed MINC image
gz compressed MNI OBJ mesh
gz compressed NIFTI-1 image
gz compressed PLY mesh
gz compressed PS file
gz compressed SPM image
gz compressed TAR archive
gz compressed Texture
gz compressed TRI mesh
gz compressed VIDA image
gz Matlab file
gzipped XML
Hamamatsu ndpi
Hamamatsu vms
Hamamatsu vmu
HDF5 File
Histo Analysis
Info file
JPEG image
JSON file
Label Translation
Leica scn
Log file
Matlab file
Matlab script
MESH mesh
MINC image
MINC transformation matrix
MIRAX mrxs
MLP classifier
MNG image
MNI OBJ mesh
Moment Vector
MP4 film
MPEG film
NIFTI-1 image
Numpy Array
OGG film
PBM image
PDF File
PGM image
Phase image
pickle file
Plot results
PLY mesh
PNG image
PPM image
Process execution event
PS file
Python Script
Quality Check Report
QuickTime film
Sakura svslide
Series of Aperio svs
Series of BMP image
Series of DICOM image
Series of Directory
Series of ECAT i image
Series of ECAT v image
Series of FDF image
Series of FreesurferLabel
Series of FreesurferMGH
Series of FreesurferMGZ
Series of GIF image
Series of GIS image
Series of gz compressed MINC image
Series of gz compressed NIFTI-1 image
Series of Hamamatsu ndpi
Series of Hamamatsu vms
Series of Hamamatsu vmu
Series of JPEG image
Series of Leica scn
Series of MINC image
Series of MNG image
Series of NIFTI-1 image
Series of PBM image
Series of PGM image
Series of PNG image
Series of PPM image
Series of Sakura svslide
Series of SPM image
Series of TIFF image
Series of TIFF(.tif) image
Series of Ventana bif
Series of VIDA image
Series of XBM image
Series of XPM image
Series of Zeiss czi
Sigraph Learner
siRelax Fold Energy
SNNS pattern
Soma-Workflow workflow
Sparse Matrix
SPM image
SQLite Database File
SVG file
SVM classifier
Template model
Template model domain
Text Data Table
Text file
TIFF image
TIFF(.tif) image
Trackvis tracts
Transformation matrix
TRI mesh
Ventana bif
VIDA image
XBM image
XLS file
XLSX file
XPM image
Z compressed ECAT i image
Z compressed ECAT v image
Z compressed GIFTI file
Z compressed GIS image
Z compressed MESH mesh
Z compressed MNI OBJ mesh
Z compressed PLY mesh
Z compressed SPM image
Z compressed Texture
Z compressed TRI mesh
Z compressed VIDA image
Zeiss czi
ZIP file

Associated ontology rules

Key attributes

  • flat :
  • side
  • brainvisa-3.0 :
  • protocol ,  subject ,  filename_variable ,  acquisition ,  center ,  analysis ,  template ,  step ,  spm_normalized ,  marker ,  category ,  tissue_class ,  transformation ,  modulation ,  warping_method ,  side ,  camera ,  race ,  name_serie ,  direction ,  contrast
  • PetPhantom :
  • phantom ,  center ,  acquisition ,  reconstruction
  • freesurfer :
  • subject ,  side ,  space ,  atlas
  • fsl :
  • Size ,  referential ,  skull_stripped
  • brainvisa-3.2.0 :
  • study ,  center ,  subject ,  specie ,  photo_number ,  serie ,  acquisition ,  analysis ,  processing ,  segmentation_method ,  tracer ,  tissue_class ,  acquisition_sequence ,  template ,  Study ,  graph_version ,  sulci_recognition_session ,  side ,  manually_labelled ,  automatically_labelled ,  reconstruction ,  PVC_method ,  ROIReference ,  fwhm ,  reconDiam ,  hoffman_id ,  rescan ,  acquisition_date ,  time_point ,  time_duration ,  mapped ,  contrast ,  space ,  modality ,  Template ,  origin_subject ,  labelStat ,  matter_type ,  from ,  start_frame ,  end_frame ,  factoriel_design ,  first_group ,  second_group ,  contrast_type ,  contrast_index ,  basename ,  pet_intersection ,  nuisance_covariate_list ,  interest_covariate_list ,  factorial_design ,  group_name ,  method ,  ancillary_name ,  research_group ,  subject_age ,  description ,  step ,  pet_tracer ,  pet_acquisition ,  filename_variable ,  ROIStat ,  normalization ,  atlas ,  region ,  reconstruction_diameter ,  VOIReference ,  warping_method ,  modulation ,  transformation ,  best ,  scan_session ,  marker ,  extracted_level ,  slice_number ,  ROIName ,  baseline_acquisition ,  camera ,  race ,  tracking_session ,  direction ,  scan_number ,  template_name ,  VOIStatistic ,  first_frame ,  last_frame ,  explicit_mask ,  modulated
  • spm :
  • step ,  template ,  SPM_version
  • shared :
  • Size ,  referential ,  skull_stripped ,  filename_variable ,  atlas ,  resolution ,  smoothing_sigma ,  VOIReference ,  VOIStatistic ,  explicit_mask
  • brainvisa-3.1.0 :
  • center ,  subject ,  acquisition ,  analysis ,  protocol ,  tracer ,  reconstruction ,  from ,  ROIReference ,  method ,  template ,  side ,  contrast ,  reconDiam ,  step ,  filename_variable ,  normalization ,  tissue_class ,  transformation ,  modulation ,  warping_method ,  graph_version ,  sulci_recognition_session ,  manually_labelled ,  automatically_labelled ,  best ,  start_frame ,  end_frame ,  camera ,  race ,  direction